Eco-Chic Deals : May 18th

May 18, 2011
Ready for a few fun eco-chic deals? Here you go - just click the deal title to go to the deal!

Eco-Tools Beauty Product Swap - My favorite deal!  

Eco-Tools is offering up TWO coupons for free make-up brushes if you mail in two of your not-so-eco make brushes, lotions, butters, etc. Check out the website for more details. The only cost to you is postage (makeup brushes will be the cheapest)! I'm planning on dropping two old make-up brushes in the mail today. You will be surprised at how great and available these products are - CVS, Walgreens, Acme, etc all carry them! And the Eco-Tools eyeshadow brush was recommended to me by a makeup artist rather than the $20 one sold by their brand! 

PS - I first mentioned Eco-Tools in Ten Tips to Eco-Chic your Bathroom! Now it can't be easier!

Thanks to Hip 2 Save for sharing this deal! 

Sam's Club is offering up a 10 week membership for only $10. Why is this eco-chic? Two reasons - Sam's Club has many "green" products for less and most bulk food uses less packaging (avoid individual servings to reduce both types of green waste - $$$ and plastic). Just sign up by June 5th!

Thanks to Common Sense with Money for sharing this deal!

Just register on the website and they will email your coupon. And remember to press the back button so you can get two!

Thanks to Hip 2 Save again! 

$9 for $23 worth of organic & eco-friendly teas & accessories from

Eversave Cleveland is offering up this deal!! You can buy 2 deals but they cannot be applied to shipping ($6 flat rate). Deal: $10 for $25 worth of Method products (or anything else!)

Method posted this deal on it's Facebook page!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a good point about Sam's Club--buying in bulk lessens plastic packaging use.
