Welcome to Eco-Chic in Suburbia's new (blogging) home!

May 2, 2011
Welcome to Eco-Chic in Suburbia's new home and a gorgeous makeover

First, a huge THANK YOU to Rachel at Just b.Cause for developing our new look. Seriously, this woman is a creative genius and her cause is inspiring. Rachel offers design services to personal bloggers and non-profits at no profit for her - she simply requests that you donate to the charitable organization of your choice! I was able to support one of my favorite organizations, Townhall II, and update Eco-Chic in Suburbia's look! She also 100% created the new design - all I told her was that I was thinking of something with flowers and I like yellow, pink, and green. Oh, and that I like swirly font headers. (I really used the word swirly) So go check Rachel out - now, please!

Just like a new cut and color inspires me in my life, this blog makeover has inspired me to continue to work hard to spread the message and inspiration of Eco-Chic in Suburbia. 

Exhibit A: I found out that the blog makeover was complete as Paul and I were driving to dinner...And I then proceed to swoon and squeal over the new look for most of dinner - Love at first sight!

Please be sure to subscribe, follow, link, friend to your heart's content! 

A few upcoming items to watch out for...
  • a GIVEAWAY! who doesn't love to win? hint: the more places you follow Eco-Chic in Suburbia, the more chances you have to win.
  • an Eco-Chic Inspiration Link Party - not sure if it will be weekly or monthly but I'm excited to announce that Eco-Chic in Suburbia will be hosting a link party to share your upcycling, recycling, reusing, earth-friendly posts about everything from crafting to cooking to deals to composting. I cannot wait to be inspired! 
  • the Eco-Chic Events Calendar will be updated regularly with events from all over NEO! Instead of just featuring events on Friday for the upcoming weekend, you will now have access to events happening 24/7 through the new calendar. And be sure to let me know about any events that I can share for you! 


Laura said...

I didn't realize you were working with Rachel!!! I was her first client :)

And you moved to blogspot! YAY.

Unknown said...

Yes, Laura took my blog makeover V-card. :-) I'm so glad you like the design! Really, though, your work was the inspiration! I smile every time I visit your blog, because you're doing such cool things that people everywhere can relate to!
