Upcycled Crafts - A HUGE Flower for your Hair

February 26, 2011

I admitted in my Ten on Tuesday post that I love to wear huge flowers and the like in my hair...There's something about an adorable hair piece that makes me feel cute and sassy! Being excessive and feisty is fabulous sometimes...Well, most times.

Try wearing a flower in your hair...any color, style, size. You will love it! And, yes, you can pull it off! Don't even go there...You are fabulous and just need to find the right one for you! My summer outfit is a pair of shorts, white tee, and a flower. Adorbs, if I do say so myself.

So after a long (but fun!) day of training and then a recovery nap, I decided to take advantage of my free Saturday night and whip up the hair piece that I linked to on the same Ten on Tuesday post...And because I always try to be eco-chic in my crafting, I used a pink poly blouse that I picked up from Goodwill earlier this week along with some leftover white tulle-like fabric from a previous craft endeavor.

One of the more difficult parts of upcycled crafts is having all of your materials on hand...I searched Goodwill for a pink poly item for the fabric and, of course, got distracted. The search is a bit more difficult than just running to Joann's but so much better for the environment and gets easier as you develop a small stash of goodies.

So these are the supplies that I started with...My soda stream bottle is in the photo too. It's important to stay hydrated while crafting!

And this is what I ended up with!

Ignore the lack of make-up and look of minor exhaustion happening in this photo...Putting together a training for 140 people is hard work!

I completely own that this flower is HUGE. On the verge of too huge, but just on the verge...Paul's eyes got a little big when he saw it but I know he likes it. He secretly adores my excessive nature. I'm picturing this clipped to a ponytail or perched on the side of my hair for some exploring.

I'm considering splitting the petals in half like the original but I would hate to ruin it...

I have a few more crafts up my sleeve for tomorrow! I'm making a trip to a thrift store in Cuyahoga Falls tomorrow AM so we will see what I can discover!

I linked up to Craft Couture Monday over at Craft Couture!


1 comment:

dominique @Craft Couture said...

cute! Thanks for linking up to Craft Couture Monday.